The series is based on “MAIKO-SAN CHI NO MAKANAI-SAN”, a popular comic by Aiko Koyama first serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday in 2016.
In a setting around the geiko district of Kyoto, the protagonist Kiyo becomes a Makanai (person who cooks meals) at a house where Maiko (geiko apprentices) live together.
The story depicts the everyday life of Kiyo and maiko Sumire, her childhood friend who came with her from Aomori to Kyoto, in a vibrant world of geiko and maiko courtesans and delicious food.
The comic won the 65th Shogakukan Manga Award and is a best-seller with over 1.8 million copies sold.
Alongside Kore-eda, Genki Kawamura (Confessions, Villain, Your Name, MIRAI) will be producing. Up-and-coming directors of the next generation such as Megumi Tsuno (Ten Years Japan), Hiroshi Okuyama (Jesus), and Takuma Sato (Any Crybabies Around?) take the helm in directing each episode.
Nana Mori is set to play Kiyo, the Makanai at the Maiko House.
Natsuki Deguchi plays Sumire, who comes from Aomori with Kiyo and is believed to be a “once-a-century talent” as a Maiko. Aju Makita plays Ryoko, the high school daughter of the manager of the Maiko House. Keiko Matsuzaka plays Chiyo, the previous manager of the Maiko House who still holds a commanding position in its operation.
Ai Hashimoto plays Momoko, the most popular Geiko. Mayu Matsuoka plays Yoshino, a former peer of Momoko’s who decides to return back to the path of the Geiko. Takako Tokiwa plays Azusa, the manager of the Maiko House and Ryoko’s mother.
Nana Mori and Natsuki Deguchi to play the co-leads.